Am I called by the shipper before delivery?

Yes, you will be called by a carrier a day or two before delivery to determine the time of delivery. However, it might happen that In some instances, you will not be called by UPS in the USA.

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Do you offer any Artist discount, influencer deals, ambassador discount etc?

We have ambassador program in place however, to qualify for discount you need to have some substantial social media followers base. If you have at least one social account with over 10.000 followers or subscribers, please head to and check the points your socials can bring to you. Once you enter your data, our … Continue reading Do you offer any Artist discount, influencer deals, ambassador discount etc?

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I clicked to the shop and was asked to select my region. I select the wrong region. Now, the website redirects me to this wrong region automatically. Why this happens and what to do to see my correct region?

We have two shops. One is dedicated to stock in America and Canada, the other one is for Europe and the rest of the world. Once you select your region, the website will redirect you to the shop that applies to the selected region. If you by mistake selected the wrong region, you will have … Continue reading I clicked to the shop and was asked to select my region. I select the wrong region. Now, the website redirects me to this wrong region automatically. Why this happens and what to do to see my correct region?

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